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Caravan Prepurchase Comparison

Compare Inspection Packages

Quickly compare each inspection package to choose the best inspection for you.

Once you've made your choice book online or call (+61) 0461 21 31 41 and speak to the Inspections team to make your booking or request a call back.

Our Comprehensive and Advanced inspections come with extras too, simply speak to a member of the team when you make your booking to add these to your inspection report.


Vehicle Documentation
Safety Equipment
Road test
Final check

Vehicle Documentation

 Items Checked Essential Premium
Keys Yes Yes
Owner's Manual Yes Yes
Service Up to Date & Logbook Yes Yes
Appliance Manuals or Instructions
Yes Yes
Vehicle Rego & VIN Plates Yes Yes
Auto Background Check (PPSR) No Yes

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Safety Equipment

 Items Checked Essential Premium
First Aid Kit Fitted No Yes
Fire Extinguisher Secure & Full No Yes
Fire Blanket Fitted No Yes
Smoke/CO2 Detector Fitted & Operational No Yes

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Internal - Living

 Items Checked Essential Premium
Interior Lighting Yes Yes
Interior Wall Condition Yes Yes
Internal Moisture Meter Testing No Yes
Floor Condition Inc Flex & Squeaks Yes Yes
Roof Lining Yes Yes
Cupboard/Drawers/Doors Condition Yes Yes
Window and Hatch Condition Yes Yes
Window and Hatch Operation No Yes
Table & Counter Top Condition Yes Yes
Seats/Upholstery Condition Yes Yes
Bed/Mattress Condition Yes Yes
Kitchen Condition Yes Yes
Stove/Oven/Microwave Condition Yes Yes
Stove/Oven/Microwave Operation No Yes
Toilet/Shower Condition Yes Yes
Toilet/Shower Operation No Yes
TV/Radio/Entertainment Condition Yes Yes
TV/Radio/Entertainment Operation No Yes
Air Conditioning & Heating Condition Yes Yes
Air Conditioning & Heating Operation No Yes
240v Power Sockets Condition & Fuses Yes Yes
240v Power Sockets Operation No Yes
Battery Security Yes Yes
Battery Health Report No Yes
Odour Free Yes Yes

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 Items Checked Essential Premium
Paint & Panel Report Yes Yes
Roof Top (Visible from floor only) Yes Yes
Living Door, Hatches, & Seals Yes Yes
Lock Operation No Yes
Water Fill & Cap Yes Yes
Folding Step Yes Yes
Awning Mounts Yes Yes
LPG Bottles Yes Yes
Vehicle Lights/Reflectors Condition Yes Yes
Vehicle Lights Operation No Yes
 240v Power Sockets Condition  Yes Yes 
 240v Power Sockets Operation No Yes 
 Windows & Glass Condition Yes  Yes 

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Wheels and tyres

 Items Checked Essential Premium
Trailer Breakaway System & Battery Yes Yes
Brake Operation No Yes
Park Brake Yes Yes
Wheels Yes Yes
Tyres Conditions Yes Yes
Tyre Depth Report No Yes
Jack & Tool Kit Yes Yes
Wheel Bearings Yes Yes
Wings Yes Yes
Mudflaps Yes Yes

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Underbody Chassis

 Items Checked Essential Premium
Trailer Hitch, Drawbar & Electrics Yes Yes
Safety Chains Yes Yes
Suspension & Axle Chassis/Floor pan Conditions Yes Yes
Brake Components (linings if fitted) Yes Yes
Water Tank, Mounts, Hoses & Leaks Yes Yes
Corner Stabilisers Condition Yes Yes
Park Brake & Manual cable/linkage Yes Yes
Jockey Wheel Yes Yes

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Final check

 Items Checked Essential Premium
Leaks - fluid Yes Yes


An All In Vehicle Inspection gives you the peace of mind to buy your next car with confidence, giving you a personal service that you can trust. We also offer a full Vehicle History Check, so that you can check that the history of the vehicle is clear before your purchase.

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